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2013年文藻外語學院 英語文教學暨研究國際學術研討會

發布日期 2013-03-20 00:00:00

主旨: 2013年文藻外語學院 英語文教學暨研究國際學術研討會
活動地點:文藻外語學院 行政大樓 3F

會議召集人:英文系 衛德焜 主任
會議籌辦人:英文系 吳秋慧 副主任
會議地點: 文藻外語學院 行政大樓 3F (高雄市三民區民族一路900號)






d.論文全文長度約20頁(含參考書目)以A4紙(WORD檔案、單行間距、字型12,四周留白2.5公分),請依照學術專業格式(如APA或 MLA)撰寫,並附上摘要及關鍵字表,以利會議論文集之製作。
e.請將論文摘要連同投稿者基本資料表(詳見附件)電郵至大會信箱:eng.2013@hotmail.com.tw (若有任何問題,歡迎來信)。

2013年3月22日 (星期五) 論文摘要(500字內)截稿日期(延長至3月26日截止)
2013年4月15日 (星期一) 論文摘要錄取通知日期
2013年5月31日 (星期五) 論文全文截稿日期


2013 International Conference on English Education and Studies
June 21st, 2013 (Friday)

Department of English
Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages

Call for Papers

§ Sponsor: Department of English, Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages
§ Convener: Dr. David Wei, Department Chair
§ Organizers: Dr. Chiu-Hui (Vivian) Wu, Deputy Chair of College Division
§ Conf. Date: June 21st (Fri.), 2013
§ Conf. Location: 3rd Floor, Administrating Building, Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages (No. 900, Mintsu 1st Rd. Kaohsiung, Taiwan 807)

§ Conf. Description:
The Department of English at Wenzao offers courses on three modules: English Language Teaching, Business, and Culture. To facilitate exchange of information among researchers, administrators, and practitioners, the 2013 conference will act as a forum for the presentation of approaches, developments, and research projects in the areas of:

A.English Teaching:
‧Introduction to English Teaching Methodologies
‧Teaching Materials Design
‧Theory to Second Language Acquisition
‧Contrastive Linguistics
‧Teaching Children English
‧Study & Application of Children"s Literature

‧English for Tourism
‧Introduction to Business
‧Overview of Local Cultures in Taiwan
‧Oral Communication in Business
‧Public Relations
‧Business Writing
‧Marketing and English for Secretary Skills

‧Drama and Film
‧English and American Short Stories
‧English Literature
‧Readings in Shakespearean Drama
‧American Literature
‧Introduction to Interpretation Skills
‧Sight Translation and Consecutive Interpretation
‧Literary Translation
‧Genre and Translation
‧Introduction to Mass Media
‧Journalistic English
‧Journalistic English Writing

§ Guidelines for Submission:
The conference prefers abstracts and full papers written and presented in English; Chinese is also welcomed.

Please submit your abstract via the conference email address at eng.2013@hotmail.com.tw. All abstracts submitted will be blind peer reviewed. Please complete the form of Information of Contributor and submit it with your abstract.

The conference organizing committee must receive your abstract by March 22nd, 2013. Receipt of paper submission will be confirmed by email. Notification of abstract acceptance will be sent via email by April 15th, 2013. Presenters are required to submit the full paper by May 31st, 2013.
When submitting an abstract, please ensure that your abstract adheres to the following format:
All submissions should be in MS Word (.doc) format.
Maximum of 500 words
A4 paper
Times New Roman, 12 point font
Page margins for top, bottom, and sides are 2.54 cm (1 inch)
References format should adhere to APA or MLA guidelines.
When submitting the full paper(around 20 pages), please ensure that the manuscript also adheres to the above format.

§ Important Dates: 2013/03/22 Abstract submission due(extend to 2013/03/26)
2013/04/15 Acceptance announcement
2013/05/31 Full paper submission due

Dept. of English
主旨: 2013年文藻外語學院 英語文教學暨研究國際學術研討會活動日期:2013/06/21 主辦單位:文藻外語學院英國語文系 活動地點:文藻外語學院 行政大樓 3F內容:主辦單位:文藻外語學院英國語文系會議召集人:英文系 衛德焜 主任會議籌辦人:英文系 吳秋慧 副主任會議日期:2013年6月21日(星期五)會議地點: 文藻外語學院 行政大樓 3F (高雄市三民區民族一路900號)會議說明:本系設有英語文教育模組、商業實務模組及文化模組,為促進學術交流,提升教學研究水準,特舉辦此研討會。會議主題分成三大類,包括:A.英語文教育類:‧英語教學法概論‧英語教材設計‧第二外語習得理論‧對比語言學‧兒童英語教學‧社會語言學‧兒童讀物探討與應用B.商業類:‧觀光英文‧英文商業概論‧本土文化外語導覽‧商業英語口語訓練‧公共關係‧英文商業寫作‧英文行銷概論‧秘書實務英文C.文化類:‧戲劇與電影‧戲劇選讀‧短篇小說選讀‧英國文學‧莎士比亞戲劇選讀‧美國文學‧口譯技巧入門‧視譯與逐步口譯‧文學翻譯‧文體與翻譯‧大眾傳播概論‧新聞英文‧新聞寫作竭誠歡迎相關領域之專家學者及研究生踴躍投稿,分享研究成果。投稿須知:a.來稿者請附上論文摘要,採匿名審查方式,通過後始繳交論文全文。b.論文摘要、論文全文、以及口頭發表之語言,以英文為主,中文亦可。c.論文摘要以500字為限,參考書目可另頁書寫。d.論文全文長度約20頁(含參考書目)以A4紙(WORD檔案、單行間距、字型12,四周留白2.5公分),請依照學術專業格式(如APA或 MLA)撰寫,並附上摘要及關鍵字表,以利會議論文集之製作。e.請將論文摘要連同投稿者基本資料表(詳見附件)電郵至大會信箱:eng.2013@hotmail.com.tw (若有任何問題,歡迎來信)。重要日期:2013年3月22日 (星期五) 論文摘要(500字內)截稿日期(延長至3月26日截止)2013年4月15日 (星期一) 論文摘要錄取通知日期2013年5月31日 (星期五) 論文全文截稿日期 附件:投稿者基本資料表2013 International Conference on English Education and StudiesJune 21st, 2013 (Friday)Department of EnglishWenzao Ursuline College of Languages Call for Papers§ Sponsor: Department of English, Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages § Convener: Dr. David Wei, Department Chair§ Organizers: Dr. Chiu-Hui (Vivian) Wu, Deputy Chair of College Division§ Conf. Date: June 21st (Fri.), 2013§ Conf. Location: 3rd Floor, Administrating Building, Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages (No. 900, Mintsu 1st Rd. Kaohsiung, Taiwan 807)§ Conf. Description:The Department of English at Wenzao offers courses on three modules: English Language Teaching, Business, and Culture. To facilitate exchange of information among researchers, administrators, and practitioners, the 2013 conference will act as a forum for the presentation of approaches, developments, and research projects in the areas of:A.English Teaching:‧Introduction to English Teaching Methodologies‧Teaching Materials Design‧Theory to Second Language Acquisition‧Contrastive Linguistics‧Teaching Children English‧Sociolinguistics‧Study & Application of Children"s LiteratureB.Business:‧English for Tourism‧Introduction to Business‧Overview of Local Cultures in Taiwan‧Oral Communication in Business‧Public Relations‧Business Writing‧Marketing and English for Secretary SkillsC.Culture:‧Drama and Film‧Drama‧English and American Short Stories‧English Literature‧Readings in Shakespearean Drama‧American Literature‧Introduction to Interpretation Skills‧Sight Translation and Consecutive Interpretation‧Literary Translation‧Genre and Translation‧Introduction to Mass Media‧Journalistic English‧Journalistic English Writing§ Guidelines for Submission:The conference prefers abstracts and full papers written and presented in English; Chinese is also welcomed.Please submit your abstract via the conference email address at eng.2013@hotmail.com.tw. All abstracts submitted will be blind peer reviewed. Please complete the form of Information of Contributor and submit it with your abstract.The conference organizing committee must receive your abstract by March 22nd, 2013. Receipt of paper submission will be confirmed by email. Notification of abstract acceptance will be sent via email by April 15th, 2013. Presenters are required to submit the full paper by May 31st, 2013. When submitting an abstract, please ensure that your abstract adheres to the following format: All submissions should be in MS Word (.doc) format.Maximum of 500 wordsSingle-spacedA4 paperTimes New Roman, 12 point fontPage margins for top, bottom, and sides are 2.54 cm (1 inch)References format should adhere to APA or MLA guidelines.When submitting the full paper(around 20 pages), please ensure that the manuscript also adheres to the above format. § Important Dates: 2013/03/22 Abstract submission due(extend to 2013/03/26)2013/04/15 Acceptance announcement2013/05/31 Full paper submission dueDept. of English