坎特伯雷教會大學 Canterbury Christ Church University
- 文藻英文系碩士班學生已修得18學分者(其中須包含至少必修6學分)始得依規定申請本雙聯學位課程。
- 坎特伯里基督教會大學碩士班英語檢定標準為雅思(IELTS)學術組平均6.5,且單項不得低於6.0,或相對等的語言認證。未達此標準之學生,得需依照坎特伯里基督教會大學規定,在進入碩士班課程修習前,就讀六或十二週的英語先修課程。英語先修課程費用另計。詳細資訊請參照坎特伯里基督教會大學網站:https://www.canterbury.ac.uk/ Additional fees apply for presessional courses。
- 符合資格並欲申請本雙聯學位課程之文藻英文系碩士班學生需於每年三月中前將申請文件備齊送件至文藻英文系學生遴選小組,經初步節選後推薦給坎特伯里基督教會大學。坎特伯里基督教會大學保有最終錄取與否之決定權。(每年申請起訖和截止日期將另行公告於英文系網頁。)
- 參與雙聯學制之學生第二年仍須於文藻註冊並繳納碩士班全額學費及坎特伯里基督教會大學碩士課程每年九月公告之全額學費。須修習英語先修課程之學生,亦須自行負擔全額費用。
- 順利完成文藻與坎特伯里基督教會大學碩士班修業要求之學生即可取得兩校碩士學位。
- 參與此雙聯學位課程學生未能完成坎特伯里基督教會大學修業並取得碩士學位者,其身分仍為文藻英文系碩士班學生。其於坎特伯里基督教會大學修過得相關學分可中請抵免文藻英文系碩士課程,待完成相關學業規定即可取得文藻英文系碩士學位。
- 機票
- 住宿與膳食
- 醫療保險
- 意外險
- 辦理簽證,護照等證件費用
I. Collaboration Model
Wenzao postgraduate students of Department of English who meet the requirements laid out in this agreement are eligible to apply, through standard admissions processes, for entry to one of the following Master’s programmes at Canterbury Christ Church:
The Faculty of Education
Students who successfully complete the requirements of the Canterbury Christ Church degree will be awarded a Canterbury Christ Church Master’s degree; students who complete only part of the programme may be eligible for a lower award. Canterbury Christ Church will be responsible for issuing transcripts in English indicating modules/courses taken and grades achieved. Wenzao will recognise the credit achieved at Canterbury Christ Church and will permit students to transfer this credit to their Wenzao postgraduate degree. Upon successful completion of Wenzao’s postgraduate courses, Wenzao will issue a home-institution Master’s degree.
II. Academic, Tuition Fees and Degree Arrangement
- Wenzao postgraduate students of Department of English who have completed 18 credit points, including at least 6 credits of compulsory courses, are eligible to apply for progression.
- The required English language proficiency for admission to the chosen Master’s programme at Canterbury Christ Church is IELTS 6.5 (or equivalent) overall, with no less than 6.0 (or equivalent) in each skill. Where students have not met this language entry requirement, they may be eligible to join the Master’s programme via a linked pre-sessional course of 12 or 6 weeks, as detailed on the Canterbury Christ Church website at https://www.canterbury.ac.uk/ Additional fees apply for presessional courses.
- Eligible students shall submit their applications by mid-March of each year to the Student Selection Board of Department of English at Wenzao. While Wenzao applicants are pre-selected and recommended by the Student Selection Board of Department of English, admission to Master’s programmes at Canterbury Christ Church is at the sole discretion of Canterbury Christ Church. (The application timeline will be posted on the English Department website.)
- Students shall continue to be enrolled in Wenzao and pay full tuition to Wenzao for a second full academic year of Wenzao’s Master’s programme. Concurrently, students will pay tuition fees for the Canterbury Christ Church Master’s programme (and presessional courses, where applicable) to Canterbury Christ Church based on the concessionary fee provided by Canterbury Christ Church to Wenzao in September each year for the following academic year.
- Upon successful completion of credit requirements of Wenzao and the Master’s programme at Canterbury Christ Church, students will be awarded both the degree of MA in English by Wenzao and the degree of MA in education by Canterbury Christ Church.
- In the interests of any Wenzao students who fail to complete the full MSc programme at Canterbury Christ Church, their status as postgraduate students in the Department of English at Wenzao will remain. Canterbury Christ Church will issue a transcript detailing the courses taken and the credit points earned; this credit can be transferred to the Wenzao degree to waive the requirement for course credit. In this case, on meeting all the requirements of course credit and thesis submission for a Master degree at Wenzao, students will be awarded the degree of MA in English by Wenzao.
III. Responsibility of students
In order to be eligible for the progression programme, the students must be enrolled as regular Master’s students at Wenzao.
Students will be responsible for obtaining the appropriate visa and immigration documents (both Parties will provide the required documents for visa application).
Students from Wenzao studying at Canterbury Christ Church will have full rights as students of Canterbury Christ Church for the duration of their studies, including access to the procedures for appeals and complaints. Students agree to be bound by all the Canterbury Christ Church University’s regulations, processes and procedures relating to student conduct and discipline. In addition, students will adhere to Wenzao’s standards of conduct during their study at Canterbury Christ Church.
Students shall bear the costs of the following expenses:
- Travel
- Accommodation and meals
- Health insurance coverage
- Accident insurance coverage
- Visa, passport, and any other necessary document.