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112學年大學部畢業專題 2023Graduation Project 
組別 姓名 畢業專題名稱 檔案連結
Category Name Graduation Project Title Link
翻譯組Translation 劉宥辰、 蔡宇堯、 陳已由 Top 20 Extincted Animals Translation <
陳泓瑋、 徐群翔、 鍾雨臻 The Knowledge Machine <
蔡珮珊 The Cowardly Lion and the Hungry Tiger <
沈旻樺、 王鈺媚 Translation Project for Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth <
吳宥叡、歐振威、黃新傑 Translation Project for Video Game Comics of Outlast <
溫宣慈、李季樺 Health Education for Children and Translating Skills Sharing  <
章景翔、賴怡菁 Step into the Translation World <
林采璇、李昕霈 Translation Project HOW TO FIX A BROKEN HEART <
何韋頡 Linguistic Bridge Across Time <
徐鈺惠、陳俞穎 Most Beautiful Islands in the World <
賴佳欣、買薏、邱語彤 Graduation Project_ A Gallery of Children <
蔡瑩萱、林耘萱、陳明儀 Strokes of Hope One Book, One Dream, Changing Cambodia_s Future <
杜靜婷、鄭雅竹 How to Fix a Broken Heart <
劉乙樺、洪綵嬪 The Snow Image_ The Childish Miracle <
吳健誠 Charlotte_s Web <
Internship and Exchange 
陶以凡 Internship Report at Chinese Taipei Cycling Association_  <
吳采真 Internship Report at Zhen Shan Mei Kindergarten <
李林潔 A National Immigration Agency Internship Report on the Motivation, Challenges, and Learning Efficacy <
孫維佑 Internship Report at Kaohsiung Exhibition Center <
褚家齊 My Internship Experience at China Airlines <
鍾承恩 Exchange Student Report-My Life Experiences as an Exchange Student at BFSU <
許文姫、李佳勳 The Effectiveness of Hand-Made English Teaching Aids in Teaching Children English <
林晉安 U NO (KNOW) <
吳亞軒 The Effectiveness of Using a Board Game to Interest Children_s Learning in English <
顏楸萍、 陳聖偉 Applying Drawing in Teaching Children English <
林雨儒、林珊瑩、鄭琬璇 The Design of Game-Based Teaching Materials_ Sports English  <
黃李如意、鄭姵綺、柯欣妤、顏芷琦、李昶邑 Teaching Materials for an Interactive English Book on Emotional Management <
劉至軒 Teaching Materials for Autistic Children <
王誠喻、黃凌詩、劉芝寧陳怡靜、潘郁雯 Fine Dining-Table Manners <
Research Paper
魏均芸 Quarterly Company Review Professional Presentation in Sky Blue White Grey Minimalist Style <
孔蕾淇、 操品而、許善茹 Brand Loyalty in Fandom -  Take Samadhi Tang Creative Puppet Troupe As Example <
李昀融、前谷仁美、白水莉彩  Comparison of challenge between Taiwanese and Japanese students in EMI courses take Wenzao as an example <
薛念姍 、劉芸娟 Fashion_s Liberation of Women_s Body <
柯芝瀅 A study of the relationship between age and English proficiency <
吳宗謙 Adolescent mobile games and internet addition <
莊郁慧、劉至芯、洪瑜涓  Wenzao Students’ Opinions on Foreign Companies <
范阮燕兒、張仲鈞 Lil Nas XA Corpus Analysis on Mental Health Signs and Negative Lyrics <
李宜庭、瑪思德 Development of Christianity in Taiwan and its Missionary Work <
衛得佑 James Hetfield A corpus analysis of how traumatic events in his life are reflected in his lyrics Theo 1109200519 <
Tourism and Business
吳恩沁、劉子葳、黃靖淳、楊心芳  Blue to your heart Shirts to your mind <
陳子路、丁勗展、梁俊彥、盧祥倪 Qiu’s Historical Residence <
楊珮妤、杉浦詩尚 Promoting History and Culture Project Participation and Practice in Old Fongshan City <
陳俐言、彭澤閔、薛婷安、王暄喻 Keelung Miaokou Night Market — Experiencing Traditional Culture From A New Perspective <
陳逸樺、吳卓穎 College students’ perceptions on online shopping  <
張芠綾、蔡芷婷、郭書怡、張絲喻、李紫麗  A Journey to Our Hand-Made Marketable Scented Candles <