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輔仁大學英文系科技部補助學術研習營--2016 Fujen Catholic University Seminar:Literature and the Image of Thought

發布日期 2016-04-26 00:00:00





講者 Speaker:Dr. Gregg Lambert, Dean’s Professor of Humanities, Syracuse

University, USA


講題 Topic:Literature and the Image of Thought


The seminar will be devoted to Literature and the Image of Thought,” a theme I have developed throughout my work in response to the writings of French philosopher Gilles Deleuze and the psychoanalyst Felix Guattari. The primary readings will be Kafka: Toward a Minor Literature and selections from Essays Critical and Clinical. In addition, my own chapters and essays will be offered as a preliminary guide.


時間 Time:2016/05/14 (Sat.) 09:10-16:40

議程 Agenda

8:45-9:10 registration報到

9:10-11:00 lecture I (2 hours)研習:上半場

11:10-12:10 discussion (1 hour)學人討論

12:10-13:30 Lunch午餐

13:40-15:30 lecture II (2 hours)研習:下半場

15:40-16:40 discussion (1 hour)學人討論


地點 Venue:輔仁大學羅耀拉教學大樓一樓 SL117 多媒體互動會議室

SL117 Multimedia Interactive Conference Room, 1F, Loyola Hall (Jesuit Sec)

交通資訊 Transportation info.:http://www.fju.edu.tw/aboutFju.jsp?labelID=9

路線圖 Map:


名額 Quota: 30 /seats. 請於 5 10 日前完成線上報名。

Seats are limited. Please kindly register by May 10. Thank you.

*歡迎各系研究Th及師長報名參加 Faculty and Graduate students are all welcome


線上報名 Online registration


聯絡人 Contact:李玉璿秘書 Ms. Sophie Lee,

Dept. of English Language and Literature, Fu Jen University http://english.fju.edu.tw/

電話 Tel:02-2905-3536 / 電子郵件 Email:G20@mail.fju.edu.tw



講者 Speaker:Dr. Gregg Lambert, Dean’s Professor of Humanities, Syracuse
University, USA
簡介 Intro:http://asfaculty.syr.edu/pages/humanities/lambert-gregg.html
講題 Topic:Literature and the Image of Thought
The seminar will be devoted to Literature and the Image of Thought,” a theme I have developed throughout my work in response to the writings of French philosopher Gilles Deleuze and the psychoanalyst Felix Guattari. The primary readings will be Kafka: Toward a Minor Literature and selections from Essays Critical and Clinical. In addition, my own chapters and essays will be offered as a preliminary guide.
時間 Time:2016/05/14 (Sat.) 09:10-16:40
議程 Agenda:
8:45-9:10 registration報到
9:10-11:00 lecture I (2 hours)研習:上半場
11:10-12:10 discussion (1 hour)學人討論
12:10-13:30 Lunch午餐
13:40-15:30 lecture II (2 hours)研習:下半場
15:40-16:40 discussion (1 hour)學人討論
地點 Venue:輔仁大學羅耀拉教學大樓一樓 SL117 多媒體互動會議室
SL117 Multimedia Interactive Conference Room, 1F, Loyola Hall (Jesuit Sec)
交通資訊 Transportation info.:http://www.fju.edu.tw/aboutFju.jsp?labelID=9
路線圖 Map:
名額 Quota: 約 30 人/seats. 請於 5 月 10 日前完成線上報名。
Seats are limited. Please kindly register by May 10. Thank you.
*歡迎各系研究Th及師長報名參加 Faculty and Graduate students are all welcome
線上報名 Online registration:
聯絡人 Contact:李玉璿秘書 Ms. Sophie Lee,
Dept. of English Language and Literature, Fu Jen University http://english.fju.edu.tw/
電話 Tel:02-2905-3536 / 電子郵件 Email:G20@mail.fju.edu.tw