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發布日期 2012-06-14 00:00:00

因6月12日下午放假 ,故陳蓮娜老師UE1A「網路英文」之期末考方式調整如下。

The oral exam planned as presentation for two weeks will be changed into the written exam held next Tuesday (June 19th) at 3:10-5pm.

Topic remains: Future trends of high technology

Every student will write own essay (with minimum 250 words) on the topic mentioned above in the class. The use of any help (e-dictionary, visual help, etc.) is not allowed. The use of technical terms and their explanation is highly recommended. The blank exam paper will be provided.

Teacher: Elena Yakovleva (98002@mail.wtuc.edu.tw)

英文系 啟

因6月12日下午放假 ,故陳蓮娜老師UE1A「網路英文」之期末考方式調整如下。

The oral exam planned as presentation for two weeks will be changed into the written exam held next Tuesday (June 19th) at 3:10-5pm.
Topic remains: Future trends of high technology

Every student will write own essay (with minimum 250 words) on the topic mentioned above in the class. The use of any help (e-dictionary, visual help, etc.) is not allowed. The use of technical terms and their explanation is highly recommended. The blank exam paper will be provided.

Teacher: Elena Yakovleva (98002@mail.wtuc.edu.tw)

英文系 啟