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日二技陳慕真同學申請傅爾布萊特赴美獎助學金之教師赴美進修暨協助華語教學獎助計畫 (Foreign Language Teaching Assistant Fulbright Program, Chinese Teachers from Taiwan, FLTA)項目獲得通過! /日四技蔡洛穎同學獲國際崇她社(Zonta International, District 31)高雄社崇她獎學金之公共服務獎!

發布日期 2020-12-24 15:51:00

日二技陳慕真同學申請傅爾布萊特赴美獎助學金之教師赴美進修暨協助華語教學獎助計畫 (Foreign Language Teaching Assistant Fulbright Program, Chinese Teachers from Taiwan, FLTA)項目獲得通過! 傅爾布萊特計畫(the Fulbright Program) 係指「由美國國務院與外國政府共同推動之學術與文化交流計畫」,意在「透過人員、知識和技術的交流,促進美國和世界各地人民的相互了解。」,申請通過者均為其代表領域之佼佼者。陳慕真同學獲此獎助實為難得,英文系的師生備感殊榮!
Congratulations to Chen, Mu-Chen from YE4A on being nominated for an FLTA (Foreign Language Teaching Assistant) grant, which has been endorsed by the Fullbright Taiwan Board! The Fullbright Program has dedicated to academic and cultural exchange between America and other countries and has sponsored outstanding representatives of varied fields to visit America. It is indeed a great honour to have one of our students selected. All the faculty members and students in English Department feel proud of Mu-Chen, who is recruited and sponsored in this program. This piece of good news is also very timely for a merry holiday season!

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日四技 蔡洛穎同學獲國際崇她社(Zonta International, District 31)高雄社崇她獎學金之公共服務獎!國際崇她社為具領導地位empowering women的國際組織,獲頒崇她獎,實為文藻之光!

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