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發布日期 2011-06-16 00:00:00

職稱 助理教授
分機 5355
E-mail 94071 at mail.wzu.edu.tw
學歷 美國印地安那州立大學課程與教學博士
經歷 助理教授 文藻外語學院 (2007 – Present)
專案講師 文藻外語學院 (2005 – 2007)
教授課程 英語教學法概論、研究寫作、專業英文閱讀
專長領域 閱讀、教學及學習策略


Chou, P.T. (2014). Incorporating a Practicum in TESOL Methodology Courses to Promote Service Learning. Study in English Language Teaching, 2(1), ,

Chou, P.T., Kuo, Y.H. (2012), Examining factors relating to classroom performance and attendance. Journal of Studies in Education, 2(2), 193-204.

Chou, P.T. (2012). A pilot study on the potential use of the Tomatis Method to improve L2 reading fluency. Teaching in English with Technology, 12(1), 20-37.

Chou, P.T. (2011). Examining reading levels in ELT course books and the benefits of extensive reading. ASEAN Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 3(2), 1-11.

Chou, P.T. (2011). The effects of vocabulary knowledge and background knowledge on reading comprehension of Taiwanese EFL students. Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 8(1), 108-115.

Chou, P.T. (2010). Attention Drainage Effect: How Background Music Effects Concentration in Taiwanese College Students. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 10(1), 36 – 46.

Chou, T.M. (2009). The Effects of Background Music on the Reading Performance of Taiwanese EFL Students. Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Applied Linguistics. Southern Taiwan University, Tainan, Taiwan. 64 – 77.
Chou, T.M. (2010). A Review of the Reading Component of the New 36-Credit English Program at Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages: Issues and Suggestions. Proceedings of the 98年度教師專題研究發表暨研討會. Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 31 – 44.