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【108學年度第2學期實習-境外實習- 泰國曼谷】飯店代碼:CGLB

發布日期 2019-11-20 19:30:00

108學年度第2學期實習-境外實習- 泰國曼谷】飯店代碼:CGLB




  1. 實習地點:泰國曼谷五星級飯店
  2. 需要人數: 8位。
  3. 報名資格:108學年度為四技部三年級、四年級或二技部三年級、四年級者。
  4. 實習時間:202021日至2020731日,共至少6個月,實習起訖日期依照合約書。
  5. 部門&工作內容:如下表




Job Description


Skills Required


Working Hours




Sales & Marketing

Will assist in the Sales & Marketing Responsibilities

Good English Skills/Chinese Speaking/ Other language is an advantage

10 hours / day

(1 hour break)

Centara Grand at Central Plaza Ladprao Bangkok

1695 Phaholyothin Road, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand

Food & Beverage

Will assist as Hostess/Waitress in the

Good English Skills/Chinese Speaking/ Other language is an advantage

10 hours / day

(1 hour break)

Centara Grand at Central Plaza Ladprao Bangkok

1695 Phaholyothin Road, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand

Front Office

Will assist Reception /Guest Relations responsibilities in Front Office

Good English Skills/Chinese Speaking/ Other language is an advantage

10 hours / day

(1 hour break)

Centara Grand at Central Plaza Ladprao Bangkok

1695 Phaholyothin Road, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand

  1. 待遇:

Benefits effective since the first day of employment

Monthly allowance

10,000 THB/month

Housing allowance

Free accommodation and transportation

Hour of working per day

9 hours/day (1 hour break)

Weekly Day Off

2 days per week

Public Holidays

Follow by the annoucement of Centara Hotels & Resorts

Duty Meal at Staff's Cafeteria

2 meals per day

Meal Allowance & Non-Alcoholic Beverage (Officer Check)

Baht 9,500.- per month at Café 9 only

City Ledger (F&B Discount for personal consumption)

50% discount at All Day Dining. Other outlets and alcohol beverage at 25% discount (GM's approval required)
(* Limited number of friends/family members to 8 persons maximum per time, other than this will be treated as normal guests without discount. Hotel guests must be served as priority.)

- Invite immediate family and friends to dine in the hotel*


Laundry (working attires)

Uniform – provided by hotel.


  1. 交通費&簽證費:已通過教育部計畫補助,可補助實習生一趟來回機票,簽證費由學生自行負擔,本計畫負責老師會指導如何申請簽證。
  2. 繳交資料說明:即日起至108122()早上11點半之前,將實習報名表(如附件下載區),自行印下後送至露德樓英文系辦公室給Maggie聯絡方式校內分機5310Emailbd0002@mail.wzu.edu.tw


  • ★實習報名表(如附件下載區)
  • ★英文檢定成績證明影本、其他語言檢定成績證明影本。
  • ★中文版在校歷年成績單。
  • ★英文版在校歷年成績單。
  • ★其他有利文件證明。
  • ★身分證正、反面影本。
  • ★學生證正、反面影本。
  • ★護照頁面彩色影本(訂機票用)
