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發布日期 2020-04-17 09:37:00

Dear all,


Warm greetings from Department of English at Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages! Please check the attached flie for the name list


First of all, we feel honored to have you involved in this annual event of Wenzao Cup. We truly feel blessed to be able to hold this event as scheduled during this strange, unusual period of time.


While welcoming you warmly, we would like to prevent COVID-19 infection and ensure every participant’s health. Therefore, Department of English requires strict compliance with the following precautionary measures:


  1. All the participants are required to wear facial masks throughout the contest. Those who do not wear facial masks will be denied access to the venue. Only when contestants are on the stage for performance can they remove their facial masks. When contestants are off the stage, they need to put on facial masks again.

Note: Microphones will be sanitized immediately for the next contestant(s).

  1. All the participants are required to complete personal Health Survey forms when they register on-site for the event. On-site staff will also measure each participant’s body temperature. The participant whose body temperature exceeds 37.5°C will be denied access to the venue.

Note: We will provide the forms, and your personal information is only for a precaution against COVID-19.

  1. We will provide alcohol-based hand sanitizers. All the participants are required to clean their hands with the hand sanitizers before entering the venue.
  2. The participants who enter the venue will need to sit at least in every-other-seat.


Please do understand we need to be strict about precautionary measures even if they may cause inconveniences to you.

We look forward to meeting you for the event. Your participation and cooperation will make the event very enjoyable.










  1. 在比賽會場,所有與會者必須配戴口罩。沒有配戴口罩的與會者將被禁止入場。參賽者上台比賽時得脫掉口罩,但一旦完成比賽下台時,請立即將口罩戴上。


  1. 所有與會者在活動當日報到時須填寫個人健康調查表。現場工作人員將測量每位與會者的體溫。體溫超過37.5°C的與會者將被拒絕進入會場。


  1. 我們將提供含酒精的洗手液。所有與會者須在進入會場之前須使用洗手液清潔雙手。
  2. 進入會場的每位與會者之間至少須有一個座位的間隔。



