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The Talk by Youtuber Blaire 英文系名人演講-左撇子Blaire

發布日期 2020-09-28 15:36:00

The Student Association of the Four-Year College invited Blogger and Youtuber Blaire on September 23 to be the speaker of the celebrity lecture of Academic Year 109. 
Blogger and Yoububer Blaire gave a talk on how to overcome obstacles, as she has been very vocal about her own thoughts and has been a brave dream chaser. The majority of her Youtube video clips aimed to inspire and encourage people to take on challenges and cope with conundrums. She is thus well loved by many audiences, who have benefited greatly from her created video clips. 
On the day she gave the talk, audiences fell in love with her immediately, and they together exchanged and shared ideas under extremely friendly circumstances. Blaire was very kind to sign for the audiences and take photos with them. The Student Association received many positive responses after the event, and most audiences felt wonderful to be involved in this event and looked forward to attending more lectures like this one.

9/23英文系大學部系學會邀請到Youtuber ‘左撇子Blaire’來擔任系學會109學年度名人演講活動的講師 這次的演講主題是:突破困境。
Blaire是一名blogger也是一名Youtuber 。她是一名非常有自己想法且勇敢追夢的現代女性, 她Youtube頻道影片的主題也大都與勵志以及鼓勵觀眾相關,是一名深受很多人喜歡的網路創作者,很多人也是因為她的勵志故事才走出困境。

英文系系學會真的很高興Blaire 能夠接受我們的邀請!活動當天,觀眾的反應非常的熱情,跟Blaire的互動也非常好,Blaire非常的親切,還讓大家跟她拍照還有簽名互動,在事後的問卷中,很多人都很謝謝學會可以請到Blaire 希望下次還有類似的活動!

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