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Mr. and Mrs. Lam Scholarship Awards Ceremony 林永義及董秀玲夫婦獎學金線上獎學金典禮

發布日期 2022-06-16 10:25:00

英文系於6/15日下午舉辦了線上獎學金頒獎典禮。來自澳洲雪梨的Mr. and Mrs. Lam林永義及董秀玲夫婦昨天特地撥冗參加線上典禮,頒贈以他(她)們為名的獎學金給今年獲獎的54位學生。 林氏夫婦是文藻英文系長期的獎學金捐贈人,夫婦的慷慨義行和善心,多年來溫暖了無數學子的心, 也樹立了好的榜樣。林氏夫婦在致詞時勉勵同學走出台灣,實際到世界各大經濟體去了解和學習它們的強項,以增進自我的職場就業力,將來回饋社會和需要幫助的人。因為林先生的生日剛過,英文系趁此機會獻上一個蛋糕,也請線上觀禮的許華英修女祝福線上與會的所有人平安、健康!


Each year, through the generosity and kindness of Mr. and Mrs. Lam, a good number of students of English Department receive scholarships at one of our most inspiring events, the Mr. and Mrs. Lam Scholarship Awards Ceremony. This year, the event was held online on the 15th of June, and brought together over 60 people, including Sister Hsu as well as several educators and 54 students, to shine a spotlight on their academic excellence. Mr. and Mrs. Lam have been long-term donors to the English Department. They have supported numerous individuals by offering scholarships that embody the example they are setting for all recipients, which is to give back to the society and support others’ success. In the address given by Mr. Lam, too, all scholarship recipients were urged to broaden their horizon by visiting different places in the world, and understand and learn about other economies, so as to contribute their time and effort to the society and help those in need when they can.


At the end, there was a surprise. The English Department presented a birthday cake and Sister Hsu gave her blessings. It was a lucky coincidence that Mr. Lam recently had his birthday, and the Department would like to take this opportunity to wish Mr. Lam a very happy birthday as well as thank him once again for his long-time help. Finally, winners all had group photos taken with all the honored guests and the award ceremony came to a successful conclusion.

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