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《從寫作中我學到的那些事》What I Gleaned in My Writing Journey

發布日期 2022-09-22 16:19:00

Hermione Lee, a 17-year-old born and raised in Taiwan, has published a young adult fantasy novel in the U.S. in September 2021. Her book, In the Name of the Otherworld, has become a bestseller on books.com.tw, Taiwan’s largest online bookstore. Receiving The Literary Titan Silver Award, In the Name of the Otherworld as the first of the Otherworld trilogy, is soon to be followed by the other two sequels, both scheduled to be published in 2022.


It is such a great pleasure for the English Department to have the opportunity of having her here and talk to our students.


17歲女生李修齊(Hermione Lee)從小在台灣土生土長,今年9月在美國出版英文奇幻冒險小說《In the Name of the Otherworld》,上市旋即拿下博客來外文新書榜冠軍,並獲美國Literary Titan優良書籍銀獎。三部曲的第二集、第三集,也已和出版社簽約,預計2022年將出版。


取自 :   https://futureparenting.cwgv.com.tw/family/content/index/23181



