Mr. and Mrs Lam Scholarship 林永義夫婦獎學金
發布日期 2023-04-17 09:13:00
睽違了三年,英文系林永義、董秀玲夫婦獎學金頒獎人之一,董秀玲女士終於再度蒞臨文藻校園,親自頒發獎學金給獲獎的65位同學,更鼓勵同學們日後有機會一定要應用所學,勇闖天涯。莊校長和聖吳甦樂修女會的華英修女也同時參加頒獎典禮,感謝董女士的慷慨善行,另一方面也勉勵同學們效法董女士的愛德,扶弱濟困, 從善行好,隨時幫助身旁需要幫助的人。
Mrs. Daisy Lam, the long-term benefactor of the Mr. and Mrs. Lam Scholarship, recently visited the Wenzao campus to personally present this year's scholarship recipients with their awards. Although she had not been able to award the scholarship to students in person for the past three years, the kind and generous acts of this Australian couple have continued. With the easing of the global pandemic, Mrs. Lam was finally able to return to Wenzao to congratulate the students and encourage them to offer their help to those in need whenever possible. President Chuang and Sister Hua-Ing also attended the ceremony to express their gratitude to Mrs. Daisy Lam for her charitable contribution.