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111學年度第二學期英文系 系列講座之4 Career Series 4 of the English Department in the second semester of the 111 academic year

發布日期 2023-04-20 09:54:00

111學年度第二學期英文系 系列講座之4

Career Series 4 of the English Department in the second semester of the 111 academic year

  1. Dr Tracey from Essex (英國艾薩克斯大學) 8 March
  2. William Yang from Deutsche Welle (德國之聲) 22 March
  3. 台灣地區處長兼台北分公司李宜洲總經理 form中華航空 25 May
  4. Dr Hui-Lien (Sharon) Hsiao from Northeastern University  7 June


Topic: Learning English in the Age of AI: Opportunities and Challenges

In the age of Artificial Intelligence (AI), English learners have access to a variety of tools that can help improve their language skills. AI-powered tools can provide personalized learning experiences and instant feedback. However, learners should also be aware of the potential risks and challenges of relying too heavily on AI for language learning. In this talk, we will explore the opportunities and challenges of learning English with AI, and provide tips and strategies for using AI tools effectively to achieve English learning goals

講者 Speaker : Dr Hui-Lien (Sharon) Hsiao

日期 Date : 2023/6/7(Wed)

時間 Time : 15:10 - 17:00

地點 Place : 至善樓Z1310會議室(人數限制30人)

  • 文藻學姊返校演講,一起來了解學姊如何從文藻畢業之後,一路進修後來在學術界擁有一片天空,本次分享更結合現在火熱話題人工智慧,一起撥空參加!Come and learn how our senior from Wenzao has pursued further studies and carved out a niche in academia after graduation. In this talk, she will also discuss the hot topic of artificial intelligence, so make sure to spare some time and join us!



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