112學年度第1學期泰國暑期實習招募|Recruitment for the Thailand Summer Internship Program for the 1st semester of the 112 academic year.
發布日期 2023-04-28 16:42:00
112學年度第1學期泰國暑期實習招募|Recruitment for the Thailand Summer Internship Program for the 1st semester of the 112 academic year.
Property |
Location |
Department |
Remark |
Front Office |
F&B Services |
1 |
Centra by Centara Hotel Bangkok Phra Nakhon |
Bangkok |
1 |
1 |
2 |
Centara Grand Central Plaza Ladprao Bangkok |
Bangkok |
1 |
1 |
Could be Male or Female but prefer same gender |
3 |
Centara Watergate |
Bangkok |
1 |
1 |
4 |
Centara Grand Beach Resort Phuket |
Phuket |
2 |
2 |
5 |
Centara Maikaho Dream Villa Resort & Spa |
Phuket |
1 |
0 |
Female and Male |
6 |
Centara Villas Phuket |
Phuket |
1 |
0 |
Total |
7 |
5 |
12 |
- 招募截止至5/12(五),視情況延長招募期間!!!
- 本實習案福利包含機票、免費住宿、當班日供餐、額外餐費補助
- 每月津貼泰銖一萬元
- 表現優良者可額外得到獎學金(返國後完成所有文件繳交後方能申請)
- 暑期實習認列4學分專業選修(2023年七月至八月,暑期實習兩個月)
- 報名方式:請下載附件的報名表(英文繕打,或是中英對照),附上中英文版歷年成績單,紙本繳交至英文系辦公室Maggie
- 實習輔導老師:吳麗英主任
- 學長姊的實習經驗談可參考以下連結,關鍵字搜尋Centara即可 https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1_jvBKOnAf2hbVIEtlV1E1h7IbkmIUHmv
- 相關疑問請來信99896@mail.wzu.edu.tw或97071@mail.wzu.edu.tw
- 備註:每階段面試都是全英文面試,共會有兩個階段