  • 字級大小


發布日期 2023-12-05 11:03:00



(1) 論文組:論文電子檔。

(2) 翻譯組:原文和譯文的電子檔。

(3) 教學組:教案電子檔。如有設計實體教材、教具,請將照片放入電子檔中。

(4) 觀光組:觀光計畫書電子檔。如有設計實體作品,請將照片放入電子檔中。

(5) 商業組:商業計畫書電子檔。

(6) 實習與交換組:請繳交實習或交換報告。



Please submit an electronic version of your graduation project results (which is NOT the PPT file for the graduation project contest) to this web page:https://forms.gle/8eUBJRqGpxEARy8eA

The file format should be DOCX or PDF only. Each group needs to submit only once. Depending the categories of your projects, different groups are required to submit the following types of documents:

(1) Thesis Group: Please submit your thesis.

(2) Translation Group: Please submit an electronic file including the original text and its translation.

(3) Instruction Group: Please submit your lesson plan. If you designed physical teaching materials or equipment, please include photos in the file.

(4) Tourism Group: Please submit your tourism project proposal. If you designed physical works, please include photos in the file.

(5) Business Group: Please submit your business plan.

(6) Internship and Exchange Group: Please submit your internship or exchange report.

Submission Deadline: January 12, 2024 (Week 18), Friday, 5:00 PM. Please ensure submission by the deadline. Names of group members who do not submit by the deadline will be forwarded to the supervisors for scoring purposes.