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【日本仙台吳甦樂英智高中(St. Ursula Eichi High School) 接待家庭招募】 (持續招募中)

發布日期 2024-05-31 09:31:00

【日本仙台吳甦樂英智高中(St. Ursula Eichi High School) 接待家庭招募】持續招募中

日本仙台吳甦樂英智高中將於2025年3月9日至3月12日止,來文藻進行研習,徵求6個接待家 庭,接待6位日本高中學生,住宿日期為2025年3月9日至3月12日止,共4個晚上。



●可提供日本學生單人房,接送學生上下學 (可開車接送或偕同日本學生搭乘大眾運輸工具,不可騎乘摩托車及腳踏車)。



●詳細條件請見附件【Homestay Guidelines and Rules】。



招募額滿為止,持續招募中,與英文系助理Maggie聯絡(E-MAIL: en0004@mail.wzu.edu.tw),校內分機:5304



【Recruitment of Host Families for St. Ursula Eichi High School

St. Ursula Eichi High School (in Japan) will conduct a study tour at Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages from March 9 to March 12, 2025, and is seeking Six host families to accommodate Six Japanese high school students. The accommodation dates are from March 9 to March 12, 2025, for four nights.

Hosting Fee: NT$600 per person per night, with hosting for one to two students at a time (subject to availability of rooms).

●Host families must include parents; individuals living alone are not eligible to apply.

●Single rooms for Japanese students are available, and transportation to and from school is provided (either by car or accompanying the Japanese students on public transit; motorcycles and bicycles are not allowed).

●Fluent communication in English is required; proficiency in Japanese is optional.

●Host families must provide two meals daily (the students will self-provide lunch).

●For detailed requirements, please refer to the attachment "Homestay Guidelines and Rules."

●Those interested in applying should complete the attached "Homestay Application Form."

Interested parties are requested to contact Maggie, the assistant in the English Department at the latest (E-MAIL: en0004@mail.wzu.edu.tw, Extension: 5304). Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.