3/26雙聯學制說明會(University of Sussex)
發布日期 2025-03-10 11:13:00
3/26雙聯學制說明會(University of Sussex)
薩塞克斯大學(University of Sussex)媒體藝術人文學院的教授,Dr. Monika Metykova將於3/26(三)參訪文藻外語大學英文系並進行雙聯學位留學座談,誠摯邀請對英國留學及媒體相關科系有興趣的同學參與,了解跨越人文藝術及媒體領域的學門。
Studying Media and Humanities MA Degress and Building a Future Career
In this session Monika introduces students to the selection of MA degrees in media and humanities that they can study at the University of Sussex. What knowledge and skills do students learn on the degrees? What careers do they equip them for? What do the industries that employ students with media and humanities postgraduate degrees look for in graduates? How can students use their time at Sussex strategically to build up an attractive portfolio and CV? What career support does Sussex provide? What opportunities for networking locally and internationally are there? Monika will also share practical advice from Sussex alumni about how to best utilize extra-curricular opportunities for strengthening their career prospects.
演講主題: 英國薩塞克斯大學 媒體藝術人文學院雙聯學位留學座談
(16:00~16:30 Q&A時間)
報名連結: https://forms.gle/u3nx2aDxZ5PGR7FE7