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2014 Symposium on English Education and Studies
● Panel主題分成四大類別如下:
a. 英語文教育:語言習得、英語教學、教育科技、語言測驗與評量、語言教師教育及其它相關主題。
b. 語言與社會:語言政策、跨文化溝通、社會語言學、語用學、言談分析、世界英文及其它相關主題。
c. 語言與專業:專業英語、語料庫語言學、及其它相關主題。
d. 文學及翻譯類:英美文學、兒童文學、口筆譯及其它相關主題。
● 本論壇毋須繳交論文全文,竭誠歡迎相關領域之專家學者踴躍組織panels,分享研究成果。
● 組織panel須知:
a. Panel組織者請附上panel組織摘要(以250-300字為限),及各與談人之基本資料至本大會,採匿名審查方式。
b. 每一panel包括組織者三至四人;請附上每一panelist 的論文摘要(以250-300字為限) 。
c. 論文摘要以及口頭發表之語言,以英文為主。
d. 論文摘要長度以A4紙(WORD檔案、單行間距、字型12,四周留白2.5公分),請依照學術專業格式(如APA或 MLA)撰寫,並附上關鍵字表,以利論壇手冊之製作。
e. 請將論文摘要連同與談者基本資料表(詳見附件)電郵至大會電子郵件信箱: wenzaokenny0802@gmail.com(若有任何問題,歡迎來信)。
f. 每一panelist之發表時間為20至25分鐘,結束後另進行10至15分鐘之問答。
● 重要日期:
a. 摘要截止日期: 2014年4月7日 (星期一)
b. 審查結果通知日期: 2014年4月28日 (星期一)
c. 論壇日期: 2014年6月13日(星期五)
This symposiumon English Education and Studiesinvites panels pertaining to the following four streams:
a. English Education:Language acquisition, English teaching, Educational technology, Language testing and assessment, Language teacher education and related themes
b. Language and Society: Language policy, Cross-cultural communication, Sociolinguistics, Pragmatics,Discourse analysis, World Englishesand related themes
c. Language and Professions:English for specific purposes, Corpus linguistics and related themes
d. Literature and translation/interpreting studies: Literature, Translation/Interpreting studies and related themes
● Guidelines for Panel Organization:
a. Panel organizers shouldsubmit a panel proposal of no more than 300 words in English along withthe abstracts fromrespective panelists (no more than 300 wordseach) and the bio-forms of the panelists.
b. Each panel is restricted to 3 to 4 panelists, includingthe panel organizer(s).
c. All submissions should be in MS Word (.doc) format, single-spaced, and typeset in Times New Roman, 12 point fontwith page margins set for top, bottom, and sides at2.54 cm (1 inch).
d. The abstracts should comply with the documenting style of either APA or MLA depending on the preferred practice in related disciplines with a list of keywords.
e. No full paper is required for this symposium.
f. Each panelist has20-25 minutes for oral presentation; each panelis given10 to 15 minutes for a Q&A session.
g. Please submit the abstracts and the bio-forms(as attachment)to the following email address at wenzaokenny0802@gmail.com (Symposium inquiries are welcomed to sendto the same email address).
h. The panel proposal and panelists’abstracts will be blind reviewed.
● Important Dates:
a. Panel proposals and abstracts deadline:April 7(Monday), 2014
b. Acceptance announcement: April 28 (Monday), 2014
c. Symposiumdate: June 13 (Friday), 2014